Hearing Assessment

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What is a Hearing Screen?

A hearing screen is a thorough and non-invasive assessment method that aims to evaluate the status of your hearing. It encompasses a range of specialised tests and examinations to gauge your auditory capacity. These tests are meticulously designed to provide valuable insights into the functionality of your ears, without any discomfort or invasive procedures.

A hearing screen typically comprises a series of assessments, including pure-tone audiometry and speech audiometry, to assess your hearing thresholds and your ability to comprehend spoken words. Additionally, middle ear function is evaluated using tympanometry. These tests combine to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your hearing health.

Why Do We Do Hearing Assessment?

Effective communication, safety, and overall quality of life depend significantly on clear hearing. Hearing screens are integral to detect potential hearing issues early, enabling timely intervention. This is particularly crucial, as hearing loss can often be gradual and subtle, underscoring the need for early detection.

Identifying hearing issues in their early stages empowers individuals to access appropriate interventions and solutions, including hearing aids, assistive devices, or other hearing healthcare measures, enhancing their auditory well-being.

How Do We Do Hearing Assessment?

Our proficient clinicians conduct a comprehensive battery of tests as part of a hearing screen. These assessments evaluate your hearing thresholds, your ability to hear and understand speech, and the functionality of your middle ear. The results are instrumental in diagnosing hearing issues and shaping your path to better hearing.

One of the key advantages of a hearing screen is its non-invasive and painless nature. The procedure is swift, with no discomfort or invasive steps. Our clinicians are dedicated to ensuring your experience is comfortable while delivering accurate results that form the basis of your hearing health plan.

Types of Hearing Loss

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  • Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type and results from damage to the hair cells in the inner ear or problems with the auditory nerve.
  • Ageing (presbycusis), noise exposure, genetics, infections, head trauma, and some medications.

Conductive Hearing Loss

  • Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound waves cannot reach the inner ear due to problems in the ear canal or middle ear.
  • Earwax blockage, ear infections, fluid in the middle ear, perforated eardrum, or issues with the tiny ear bones (ossicles).

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Common Results

Your clinician has undertaken training and is certified as competent in ear care and wax removal and will use best-practice procedures to minimise any risk. However, even when performed with the utmost care, there are some risks involved in wax removal. These risks include


Normal hearing (0-20 dBHL) should be monitored via screening every 3-5 years


Mild hearing (20-40 dBHL) may require a full audiogram if presented with hearing difficulties


Moderate hearing (40-70 dBHL) requires a full audiogram and likely hearing intervention


Severe hearing (70< dBHL) requires a full audiogram and will require some form of hearing intervention

Our Process From Booking To Aftercare

Our comprehensive system is designed to streamline the entire process seamlessly. With cutting-edge technology and a user-friendly interface, we ensure a hassle-free experience for our clients.

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Compete Your Booking

Select a convenient date and time from the calendar for your appointment, fill in your contact details and press the Book Now!

Your Home-Visit

Listen out for your doorbell or knock on the door when your assigned ear health arrives.

Aftercare and Support

Receive your consultation report, follow any instructions and rely on our ongoing support for your ears.

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